A conversation from this morning as Neil and I were getting ready and the kids were playing on the bed:
Joel: I'm having a slumber party!
(Neil and I look at each other quizzically, wondering where he's heard that term.)
Me: What's a slumber party?
Joel (whilst jumping): It's a party on a big old, uh... (jump), a big old, uh... (jump), a big old, uh... (jump), a big old boat! (said with feeling)
a small part in the big story...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Dear Loud Motorists on Humphrey Road,
I realize that the sound of your sports car or motorcycle revving up is probably one of the reasons you purchased it in the first place. I can sympathize. I, too, once made a large purchase because of a sound I fell in love with - my lovely Muramatsu flute. Ah, to hear it glide through pieces, up, down, and around... it makes my heart fly.
I have found, however, when I make use of my purchase when others are sleeping, it causes far less joy for all involved.
You see, when you give in to the temptation to accelerate as much as possible along the 600 feet that is Humphrey Road, your purchase in turn wakes up my darling little boy who has just dropped off to sleep. Getting him to this point is quite a feat for me, and I become incredibly unimpressed by the amount of noise your motor makes.
I respectfully register my request that you stop showing off and obey the posted 35 mph speed limit. Thank you.
P.S. - Fire department, I realize that letting off all those sirens is part of your job, but try to keep it down as much as you can during nap time, alright?
I realize that the sound of your sports car or motorcycle revving up is probably one of the reasons you purchased it in the first place. I can sympathize. I, too, once made a large purchase because of a sound I fell in love with - my lovely Muramatsu flute. Ah, to hear it glide through pieces, up, down, and around... it makes my heart fly.
I have found, however, when I make use of my purchase when others are sleeping, it causes far less joy for all involved.
You see, when you give in to the temptation to accelerate as much as possible along the 600 feet that is Humphrey Road, your purchase in turn wakes up my darling little boy who has just dropped off to sleep. Getting him to this point is quite a feat for me, and I become incredibly unimpressed by the amount of noise your motor makes.
I respectfully register my request that you stop showing off and obey the posted 35 mph speed limit. Thank you.
P.S. - Fire department, I realize that letting off all those sirens is part of your job, but try to keep it down as much as you can during nap time, alright?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Year 31, Day 2:
Today we spent the afternoon at Symmes Township Park, a really lovely place a couple miles from here. There are three playground sets, courts for baseball, basketball, sand volleyball, and soccer, a duck pond, a dog run, and some nice trails. We took a picnic and had a great time.
Year 31, Day 3:
Lovely pork chops for dinner. Joel as a sweet looking firefighter (the vacuum attachments are the hose, and Baby Sam is along for the ride, I guess). Asher and Joel tearing apart Joel's room and Joel taking a rest on his headboard with the schnauzer.
Good times.
For Day 4, I refer you to Neil's blog, which shows us playing at the park. Such a lovely day!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Today I am 31! 30 was quite a year and, honestly, if you had told me on my 30th birthday where I'd be on my 31st birthday, I may have kindly tuned you out. Since 14th March last, we've had another baby, Neil finished his dissertation, I decided to put nursing/midwifery on hold until the kids are older, and we moved to Cincinnati. Wow. That's a lot for one year! So, cheers to year 31!
To start out, this week I'm listening to Sinead O'Connor - Theology and The Verve - Forth. They caught my eye at the library. This week I'll be reading "Bend the Rules Sewing" by Amy Karol, "Grave Matters" by Mark Harris, and "Childbirth Wisdom From the World's Oldest Societies" by Judith Goldsmith. Well, maybe I won't read them ALL this week, but I just got them out of the library, so I'll be looking them over at least.
The other neat thing we're doing as a family for the next four and a half years or so: The Berg Family World Tour. We're taking a country each week and learning about it's history, culture, food, people, everything we can. We'll be starting a little blog on that pretty soon, with things we find interesting about the countries, good recipes, and that sort. So far, we've done Algeria and Argentina, and tomorrow we'll be starting Anguilla. We're looking forward to bonus weeks when we actually get to travel to a few of the places, but we'll see how that goes. Neil and I figure that we live in this world and it's frightful how little we seem to know about it. Between the two of us we've travelled to Mexico (both), Honduras (N), Bahamas (A), Canada (both), Japan (A), Indonesia (A), Ghana (N), Spain (A), and the UK (both), so we have just a very small taste of our big and wonderful world. Hopefully soon we'll get to know a bit more as a family. Joel can already find Algeria and Argentina on the world map on his wall, and both Joel and Asher are enjoying the food!