Hooray for this week's CSA box! We have little tomatoes, a cucumber, a hot pepper, green beans, wax beans, eggplant, green onions, beets, broccoli, and Swiss chard. The tomatoes, cucumber, and broccoli we'll eat raw, Neil will enjoy the hot pepper with something, I'm sure, the beet greens and Swiss chard I'll make into southern style greens (we like the greens and Joel likes the bacon...). Green onions we chop up into pretty much everything (I put them into egg salad last week and kasha a few days ago - yum) and I'll probably steam the beans (hopefully not too much this time... last week Neil happily ate them, but to me they tasted like canned green beans, something I have happily avoided throughout my life - Neil assured me they tasted much different, though). I'm still looking for a way to eat beets, and I've never been an eggplant fan, though I've tried to be. I'll be on the lookout for a tasty eggplant recipe in the next couple of days. If you have ideas, let me know.
This soup is my new creation after receiving lots and lots of kale in our past few CSA boxes. It is really delicious! I've made it twice now, and tweaked it a bit, and it is really super tasty. So, if you've ever thought, "Hey, I've got a bunch of kale. What should I do with it?!", I recommend this:
Kale Sausage Soup
2 rings smoked kielbasa, sliced thin
4 cloves garlic, minced
some chopped or sliced onion
4-ish stalks sliced celery
4-ish carrots
1-2 tomatoes, chopped
a shake of dried parsley
two small handfuls of lentils (I used brown)
6 c. water + 6 cubes chicken bouillon, or 6 c. chicken broth
1 bunch kale, stems and center ribs discarded, sliced thin
2 T. balsamic vinegar
In stock pot, brown sausage; remove and drain on paper towels.
Use fat left from browning sausage to cook garlic until golden.
Add onion, celery, and carrots, stirring until onions are soft.
Add lentils, tomatoes, parsley, broth, and sausage. Simmer, covered, 30-40 minutes.
Add kale and simmer uncovered for 5-10 mins.
Stir in vinegar and pepper to taste.
Here is sweet Asher after a bath. He is growing like crazy - 11 lbs. 11 oz. today! He doesn't like my consuming cow's milk, though, so no more of that for me. He is smiling a lot now, and likes checking himself out in the mirror. He was 5 weeks old on Monday! Yay! Last night during his bath he reached out for the rubber ducky I was showing him, and today he reached out (with each hand!) for the rattle I was showing him! It is so exciting to watch him develop!
My brother studied in China back in May, and was all excited to show us his mad chopsticking skills while he was here this past weekend. This is Joel trying it out, too.
The boys and I met Neil at Anderson's for lunch today. After we ate, we grabbed a cart and walked around. Joel was in the front of our cart (shaped like a truck... coolest thing EVAR), telling us where he was driving us to. At one point he said he was going to the doctor. I asked him if he was hurt ("yes"), and what was hurting. He said his feelings were hurt. I asked why, and he answered (in his best scary monster voice), "A monster ate my feelings!" I love two-year-olds.
Here is this week's CSA box! We have cucumbers, green onions, Swiss chard, beets (including one massive one), kale, green tomatoes, radishes, and green beans. We had one of the cucumbers and some green onions last night with our egg salad. I'm looking forward to all the rest of it, too, except the beets. I made some last week, and I really didn't like them. I have no clue what will become of this week's poor beets. (We will, however, eat the greens - yum!)
Whenever my mom comes to visit during farmers market season, she buys me flowers. I love my mom! These are from last Thursday.
We went to a Weird Al concert on Sunday night. It was really fantastic! I knew probably less than half of the songs, but it was so incredibly enjoyable. Go see him if you haven't ever. It's a really great two hours of life!