Two words!
Ian's first two words phrase the other day was "tank-you!", which I'm not even sure small people think of as two words. Today, though, in the car after dropping Joel and Asher off at school, Ian started singing " Happy day! Happy day!" He is now walking around outside singing it (while waiting for the sprinkler to get him).
First grade writing

Go ahead, try to figure it out. I dare you.

We are visiting our first "fall on the farm" sort if thing today. This one has lots of neat things, including these climbable tractor tires. Fun day!

We have found Ian's happy place. He is completely fascinated by all water sources right now, and this water pump at the Fairy Garden may be our most favorite source yet.
It is far more acceptable than, say, the Culligan jug at the music school (which is made more enticing by never-ending cups that keep popping off).
Ian and his treasures

Here he is with his wagon full of acorns! (And tools to cook them, of course.)
It's toilet paper shipment day!

I didn't know we had added silliness and smiles to our subscribe and save order!