Newest interest
Ian is very happy to have discovered trees. They are good to touch textures on, plus they are taller than him and, therefore, a way to get higher.
Ian is very happy to have discovered trees. They are good to touch textures on, plus they are taller than him and, therefore, a way to get higher.
Deep fried round one for the state fair! This is such a gorgeous day to be here! (Not shown: deep fried butter butter. It was a combo.)
These are so cute I'm going to have to send several! Ian is "helping" me to trim the Rose of Sharon bush today.
Hahahahaha!!! I've slept for less than an hour total today and woke up every 45 mins last night! I am refusing my bedtime right now because I love life sooooooooo much!!!!!!!
(The person in the picture is deliriously happy. The one whose foot is in the picture is just delirious.)
Asher will always make me laugh with the way he incorporates dressing up into everyday life.
Very appropriately in his "smile mom! I could've been twins " bib. He is running on very, very little sleep today. At least he is (mostly) pleasant!