Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's been a rough couple of months here in the Berg House. We've done lots of soul-searching, decision-making, decision-unmaking, and questioning. Our house, still not sold, is a burden on us - but "Turn That Frown Upside Down!" is just not working for us.

Neither is our current rental. It's on busy streets with loud and huge vehicles - not so great with a one year old who loves running directly toward them. There's also not really a place to play or run around. Just not a great place to be.

We're also trying to look for a community down here, a church or similar. We've checked out traditional, contemporary, very different, etc. I think our problem was best said by our friend Ryan a few years ago: "I just think I don't like church." It seems like a good place to meet people and have community, but we just don't like them.

So, it's a time of change. And a good one! We're trying a couple of super-alternative church sort of things. We're hopefully soon moving to a new rental, only a house in a neighborhood (like home!). We're just going to accept that our house will sell... sometime. (I'm hoping that, in perfect cosmic justice, it will sell as soon as we sign a one-year-lease...)

Kids are huge and growing. Pictures next time. Joel is in a tumbling class and T-3 months from starting nursery school. Asher is now one, and doing incredible things. Neil and I are continuing the contemplation, continuing on learning about where we can be more mindful and becoming more content.

Happiness and humor and cute kid stories next time. I promise. There is so much to tell on that front, as well.