In other non-pictured news, I am now done with my class. I'll get the results of my lab final later this week, but my lecture is really good - an A by far. I have really enjoyed Anatomy. I'm planning on doing very little besides playing with my sweet little family until August 21st, when I start back. Fall semester is Microbiology and Lifespan Psychology. I'm not terribly looking forward to either of those classes. I don't remember Micro really thrilling me during high school like Anatomy did - I don't remember much of it now, but it just didn't seem as useful/practical. I guess it depends on your field... maybe it will be really important in nursing. I guess I'll find out in a month.
Also, I hosted a lovely party on Friday night. Nine of us met here at our house t go over to the Deathly Hallows release over at Books-A-Million. I finished reading it on Saturday around 11:00pm or so, after sleeping a total of 15 minutes somewhere around 6am. (Joel decided to wake up early that day... of course!) I really, really liked it. Good times. I can't wait to start back at the beginning of the series to see how everything fits together.
Not much coming up this week - a couple of fun little things. I'm looking forward to not having to study for a while and taking lots of trips to the park with Joel.