Monday, July 23, 2007

We had a family date on Friday morning - we went up to Erie Orchard to pick blueberries and peaches. It was a lot of fun! Joel loves foraging for food. Blueberries and early peaches around here are excellent right now. We added a bunch of blueberries to our deep freezer, and are eating peaches until we burst. It's lovely.

Erie Orchard has a kids' play area, with goats and sheep and reindeer, a tractor, and a huge room filled with hay (loose & bailed). Joel had an absolute blast with it. He jumped in/on the hay, climbed around, squawked when it was time to get off the tractor, and looked inquisitively at the animals.

I love this picture. Joel has been so wonderful as we've dug up our front garden. Here he is with a Joel-sized shovel that a neighbor let us borrow. He loved it.

Neil has probably already posted pictures of the new gravel box, but this is one of my favorites. They love playing in it together.

In other non-pictured news, I am now done with my class. I'll get the results of my lab final later this week, but my lecture is really good - an A by far. I have really enjoyed Anatomy. I'm planning on doing very little besides playing with my sweet little family until August 21st, when I start back. Fall semester is Microbiology and Lifespan Psychology. I'm not terribly looking forward to either of those classes. I don't remember Micro really thrilling me during high school like Anatomy did - I don't remember much of it now, but it just didn't seem as useful/practical. I guess it depends on your field... maybe it will be really important in nursing. I guess I'll find out in a month.

Also, I hosted a lovely party on Friday night. Nine of us met here at our house t go over to the Deathly Hallows release over at Books-A-Million. I finished reading it on Saturday around 11:00pm or so, after sleeping a total of 15 minutes somewhere around 6am. (Joel decided to wake up early that day... of course!) I really, really liked it. Good times. I can't wait to start back at the beginning of the series to see how everything fits together.

Not much coming up this week - a couple of fun little things. I'm looking forward to not having to study for a while and taking lots of trips to the park with Joel.