Asher is doing very well. He is two weeks old today! Wow! He seems to me to be chubbing up pretty well - we go to the pediatrician later this week, so I'll know for sure how he's doing on Mama's Milk.
Joel is very good at being a big brother. He is learning to be gentle (with little lessons every day...), loves hugging and kissing his brother, and doesn't get too annoyed when Asher wants to cluster feed a lot. (We're due for a growth spurt this week, though, so we'll see how that holds up...)
I'm doing well, too. I'm no longer engorged (yay!!!!!!!!!!!), I'm dealing well with new baby sleep deprivation (I had forgotten about this, though... wow), and I'm getting out with both kids in tow. Amazing. I even cleaned one of the bathrooms yesterday! (That's what I should post a picture of...)
I'm a little concerned about the pediatrician appointment this week, though. We chose not to have Asher vaccinated at the hospital for Hepatitis B, and the receptionist on the phone seemed very offended by our choice. I'm not concerned about my son sleeping around or becoming a needle addict in the next couple of years, though - it seems silly to vax for this quite yet... I hope they don't start pushing this particular vaccine yet. They've been okay with our choice of no varicella vax with Joel so far.
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